Monday, March 25, 2013

A new day!

For breakfast: Chocolate Doughnut and a cup of OJ
Lunch: 2 Shrimp Enchiladas and a cup of OJ
Dinner: Should I even think of eating?
No water as of 4:28 p.m.

Yes, this has been my calorie intake for the day.  

I need to plan for the week what I will eat.  This will help me tremendously!  Let's see how I do the rest of the week.

Doctor said I need to start taking cholesterol medicine and stay calm and try not to stress... Really? My HR was 230 while sitting in the doctors office. I do know that my HR will be high on SUNDAY! I wonder if studies show that people have the most Heart Attacks and Strokes on Holidays?  

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Today, is just a day. A day to remember? Well, I hope not! I've had to many of those days.

I weighed myself and I was disappointed in myself. Gained 4 pounds from a month ago. I love to eat everything that makes me gain weight! No carbs after lunch is the key to me losing weight!

I've had a cup of coffee today and I'm only a little hungry. Where to stop to get something to chew on that is healthy? I think I will stop and get a taco in a corn tortilla. This will be good. But I want 3!!! I will not starve with only having 1!

Kids are doing good. Routine works do well in this household! Even for the adults. Almost had a heart attack on Tuesday!! Thought my vehicle had a major repair that needed to be done! Thanks to my night and shining armor he fixed it for only $10!! Love you my Bradley.

Waiting to see the doctor to see blood results. Hope I'm super healthy. 3^)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Runner up!

M ran a couple times last week and I started to miss it!! So, I messaged brad at work saying, "Lets go for a run!" We ran/walked 1.59 miles that night. I surprisingly wasn't sore at all the next day! I haven't been eating bad but I've been drinking SODA!! I'm going to go a whole day not drinking tea or soda. This is VERY hard.

Ok running and eating well is on the agenda.

Friday, March 1, 2013

The daily post

I told myself I would post daily!! I can barely remember to take my ADHD meds. Once I start leaving every room in the house and wondering what the heck I'm doing, I realize that I have not taken my meds. Ok back to the losing weight on Monday next week. Gigi won last Month! I will win in March!! I've only gained a pound back which is good.

I started grad school this week and man there is a lot of work... I finished all my work today right before it was due at noon. I definitely picked the right field to study!! I'm loving the reading and I hate reading! It's funny but I feel smarter just going to graduate school. LOL Also, people think you are smart as well.

The boys started PDO this week at Trinity Baptist Church on Tuesday and Thursdays!! I loved it!!