Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April where did you go?

Wow! I feel like my days have flown by. Not really sure how I feel about that. I'm cleaning my back porch today. I live on Brooks City Base at the old Military Base Housing. I really like it, but I don't think the yard or back porch have been taken care of in a while.

So, where did I go to look for a cleaning solution to clean concrete? Yes, Pinterest. I highly recommend a mask when doing this. No, I didn't have one on.

2 cups baking soda
1 cup bleach
2 tbs yellow dish soap
A little bit of hot water.

*This is in no way a green solution!

I used my wonderful Pampered Chef dish brush. Let the pics tell the rest. I'm going to do this a few more times with a mask!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Redbud Montessori For All

I while back I attended a meeting for a proposed Charter School that might be coming to San Antonio.  Another blogger wrote about what she learned!! I, personally, look forward to this Charter School opening!

On Saturday, February 16, 2013, I attended the first information session for Redbud Montessori For All a proposed charter school that would be based on authentic Montessori principles. The school opening is still a few years away, but if you have kids age four or younger, I encourage you to fill out the pre-enrollment form to stay up to date with the school’s progress.
Montessori For All founder Sara Cotner has extensive experience with Montessori education, with charter schools, and with programs that are trying to close the achievement gap. She is applying for a Texas charter to open in Austin in Fall 2014 and then expand to San Antonio in Fall 2016. The San Antonio campus would open with two types of classrooms, 3/4/K and 1/2/3. Classrooms for 4/5/6 and 7/8 would be added later, which means that students could spend up to eleven years at one school. The target class size would be 24 students, with a teacher and an assistant in each classroom. The school would open with approximately 288 students and expand to 528 students.
The school will feature a dual-language curriculum that is consistent with Montessori principles. Some dual language programs have abrupt transitions between languages and activities; Redbud Montessori For All teachers will be able to switch between English and Spanish during an activity. Sara will seek teachers who are Montessori certified by AMIor AMS, dual language certified, and state certified.
In the early education classrooms, students will focus on hands-on learning; in higher grades, technology will be incorporated as a tool for creative production, such as scanning drawings, writing on a word processor, presenting slides, or producing video. Sara shared a story about a Montessori classroom in which seven- and eight-year-olds decided to produce a coloring book and sell it; following through on such a long-term project helps build independence. Students in higher grades even plan their own field trips, including how to raise the money.
Redbud Montessori For All is still looking at locations in San Antonio, but is focused on the urban core and the near West, East, and South sides—not the North Side (where most of the private Montessori schools in San Antonio are located) or outlying areas.
Other interesting details: The school calendar will feature nine-week learning periods separated by two-week breaks, offset by a slightly shorter summer break. School uniforms will offer some flexibility—several colors of shirts, for example—but will simplify choices and allow students to focus on what’s inside.
Interested families can fill out the pre-enrollment form to stay up to date about Redbud Montessori For All. There’s also a Facebook page to like. I will be posting updates about the charter application process, including charter interviews in August and granting (hopefully) of a charter in September. If all goes well, the Redbud Montessori For All application period will be December 2015 to February 2016, with a lottery in March 2016.

Down Down Down

Yes, you read that right!! My weight goes down everyday during the week. I was at 176.7 this morning. Every pound and inch counts to me!! I want to be in a cute bathing suit this summer!! ...and look hot... Although, I know I'm going to lose a cup size! I'm was an A cup before gaining weight. I'm a B now...whoop dido...! I would like to be at 140 by July. That would be 36 pounds. If I'm losing about 3 pounds a week and we have 13 weeks until July 13x3=39. It can be done!!

I have to not over-eat on the weekends! That is what kills me!!

Ok it's Friday and I have a birthday party to host. I will eat good!!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Exercising, oh yeah baby!

Oh YEAH! I'm going to do this every morning! The ballerina jump makes everything jump around. Also, be careful when you are flying to not hit your 2 year old in the face. Just sayin'! Man, I'm going to feel this all day and it was only 10 minutes.

Oh, did I mention I was 174.4 yesterday!!!!
